[Python-ideas] [PEP8] Predicate consistency

Marco Buttu marco.buttu at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 09:06:29 CET 2015

On 06/02/2015 07:45, Andrew Barnert wrote:

> Elsewhere the PEP talks about consistency with related code. If "isnan" is documented to do effectively the same as the C function of the same name it makes sense to use the same name. That's presumably also why "inspect.isgeneratorfunction" doesn't use underscores--they're arguably necessary, but consistency with "isfunction" trumps that.

Your are right we have to keep consistency with other code, but I think 
we should prefer *horizontal consistency* (I mean with our codebase API) 
over a *vertical* one.

> Also, are you sure it's really "predicate" that's the relevant difference, as opposed to, say, "short word and really short word" (which is really just a special case of "not necessary for readability").

Looking at the core and the standard library, I see we basically do not 
use underscore in get/set and predicates. This may be a clear general 
rule, and not "short word" that is not clear at all. How can you explain 
the following?




In these cases you can see we do not use the rule "short words", but 
almost always the rule: "get/set and predicates should not have 
underscores". I wrote almost always because sometimes we break that rule:


And my point is that we break it because of a lack in the PEP8. But 
perphaps I am alone thinking that is ugly to have this kind of 
inconsistency in predicates and get/set function/method names

> You use "dont_write_bytecode" as an example of something that obviously needs the underscores.

I think it is not obvious at all. It is obvious just in the case we have 
a rule about predicates and get/set, othewise I do not understand how 
come it is possible that sys.dont_write_bytecode() should obviously have 
underscores but sys.setswitchinterval() should not.

> And beyond your own example, "is_greater_than_one" or "can_fit_on_filesystem" seem like they need underscores, while "dotwice" seems fine without.

I said the opposite: is_greather_then_one() should have unserscores, and 
as the PEP8 says, the naming rule is the same for functions and methods. 
In the standard library we do not have any can_* function or method, but 
if in the future we will have one, then yes, I propose it should be 
consistent with the "predicate rule" (no underscores).

Marco Buttu

INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari
Via della Scienza n. 5, 09047 Selargius (CA)
Phone: 070 711 80 217
Email: mbuttu at oa-cagliari.inaf.it

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