[Python-ideas] Missing Core Feature: + - * / | & do not call __getattr__

Stephan Sahm Stephan.Sahm at gmx.de
Fri Dec 4 14:40:12 EST 2015

Thank you very much!

lovely fast and lovely extensive answers. I fear, I myself cannot react as
fast in completeness (i.e. reading those references and respond with more
background knowledge) - this needs more time and the weekend is already
quite busy in my case - but at least I want to seize the moment and thank
all of you for creating this amazing community!

On 4 December 2015 at 20:24, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:

> This is explained in the documentation (
> https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#special-method-lookup
> for 3.x; for 2.x, it's largely the same except that old-style classes exist
> and have a different rule).
> There is also at least one StackOverflow answer that explains this (I
> know, because I wrote one...), but it's not even on the first page of a
> search, while the docs answer is the first result that shows up. Plus, the
> docs are written by the Python dev team in an open community process, while
> my SO answer is only as good as one user's understanding and writing
> ability; even if it weren't thrown in with a dozen answers that are wrong
> or just say "Python does this because it's dumb" or whatever, I'd go to the
> docs first.
> On Friday, December 4, 2015 6:22 AM, Stephan Sahm <Stephan.Sahm at gmx.de>
> wrote:
> >the wrapt link is on my future todo-list, will need some more time than I
> currently have
> The wrapt link has the sample code to do exactly what you want. Pop it off
> your todo list.
> If you have more time in the future, you may want to look at some bridging
> libraries like PyObjC; once you can understand how to map between Python's
> and ObjC's different notions of method lookup, you'll understand this well
> enough to teach a class on it. :) But for now, wrapt is more than enough.
> >You both mentioned that the operators might be better tackleable via
> class-interfaces (__slots__ e.g.?)
> Not __slots__. The terminology gets a bit confusing here. What they're
> referring to is the C-API notion of slots. In particular, every builtin (or
> C-extension) is defined by a C struct which contains, among other things,
> members like "np_add", which is a pointer to an adding function. For
> example, the int type's np_add member points to a function that adds
> integers to other things. Slightly oversimplified, the np_add slot of every
> class implemented in Python just points to a function that does a
> stripped-down lookup for '__add__' instead of the usual __getattribute__
> mechanism. (Which means you get no __getattr__, __slots__, @properties from
> the metaclass, etc.)
> So, why are these two things both called "slots"? Well, the point of
> __slots__ is to give you the space savings, and static collection of
> members that exist on every instance, that builtin types' instances get by
> using slots in C structs. So, the intuitive notion of C struct layout
> rather than dict lookup is central in both cases, just in different ways.
> (If you really want to, you could think about np_add as being a member of
> the __slots__ of a special metaclass that all builtin classes use. But
> that's probably more misleading than helpful, because CPython isn't
> actually implemented that way.)
> >My current usecase is to implement a Mixin abc class which shall combine
> all the available __iadd__ __ior__ and so on with a copy() function (this
> one is then the abstractmethod) to produce automatically the respective
> __add__, __or__ and so on
> OK, so if you can't handle __add__ dynamically at method lookup time, how
> do you deal with that?
> Of course you can just write lots of boilerplate, but presumably you're
> using Python instead of Java for a reason. You could also write Python code
> that generates the boilerplate (as a module, or as code to exec), but
> presumably you're using Python instead of Tcl for a reason. If you need
> methods that are dynamically generated at class creation time, just
> dynamically generate your methods at class creation time:
>     def mathify(cls):
>         for name in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div'):
>             ifunc = getattr(cls, '__i{}__'.format(name))
>             def wrapper(self, other):
>                 self_copy = self.copy()
>                 ifunc(self_copy, other)
>                 return self_copy
>             setattr(cls, '__{}__'.format(name), wrapper)
>         return cls
>     @mathify
>     class Quaternion:
>         def __iadd__(self, other):
>             self.x += other.x
>             self.y += other.y
>             self.z += other.z
>             self.w += other.w
>             return self
>         # etc.
> Obviously in real life you'll want to fix up the name, docstring, etc. of
> wrapper (see functools.wraps for how to do this). And you'll want to use
> tested code rather than something I wrote in an email. You may also want to
> use a metaclass rather than a decorator (which can be easily hidden from
> the end-user, because they just need to inherit a mixin that uses that
> metaclass). Also, if you only ever need to do this dynamic stuff for
> exactly one class (your mixin), you may not want to use a decorator _or_ a
> metaclass; just munge the class up in module-level code right after the
> class definition. But you get the idea.
> If you really need the lookup to be dynamic (but I don't think you do
> here, in which case you'd just be adding extra complexity and inefficiency
> for no reason), you just need to write your own protocol for this and
> dynamically generate the methods that bounce to that protocol. For example:
>     def mathify(cls):
>         for name in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div'):
>             def wrapper(self, other):
>                 self._get_math_method('{}'.format(name))(other)
>             setattr(cls, '__{}__'.format(name), wrapper)
>         return cls
>     @mathify
>     class Quaternion:
>         def _get_math_method(self, name):
>             def wrapper(self, other):
>                 # see previous example
>             return wrapper
> In fact, if you really wanted to, you could even abuse __getattr__. I
> think that would be more likely to confuse people than to help them, but...
>     def mathify(cls):
>         for name in ('add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div'):
>             def wrapper(self, other):
>                 self.__getattr__('__{}__'.format(name))(other)
>             setattr(cls, '__{}__'.format(name), wrapper)
>         return cls
>     @mathify
>     class Quaternion:
>         def __getattr__(self, name):
>             if name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__'):
>                 name = name.strip('_')
>                 def wrapper(self, other):
>                     # see previous example
>                 return wrapper
> Again, don't do this last one. I think the first example (or even the
> simpler version where you just dynamically generate your mixin's members
> with simple module-level code) is all you need.
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