[Python-ideas] String interpolation: environment variables, command substitution

Brendan Barnwell brenbarn at brenbarn.net
Wed Aug 26 21:27:12 CEST 2015

On 2015-08-26 11:20, Mike Miller wrote:
> One of the remaining questions for the string interpolation subject is whether
> to allow for easy access to environment variables and output-capture of external
> processes (aka command-substitution) as bash does.

	You can already do this with the existing proposals by interpolating an 
expression whose value is an environment variable (e.g., 'My home is 
{os.environ["HOME"]}') or whatever other data you want to interpolate. 
There's no reason to add special syntax for this.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no 
path, and leave a trail."
    --author unknown

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