[Python-ideas] Draft PEP on string interpolation

Mike Miller python-ideas at mgmiller.net
Fri Aug 21 01:10:07 CEST 2015

The ground seems to be settling on the issue, so I have tried my hand at a grand 
unified pep for string interpolation.

I originally started writing thinking I would fight arbitrary expressions, 
though agreeing they would be very useful.  In my research however, I discovered 
that they've become an industry standard of sorts.  So, I pivoted and started 
thinking of mitigation strategies to reduce their downsides instead.

There's still plenty to do and details to iron out, I'd appreciate your help.
If this PEP doesn't stick I hope fragments of it can be useful for others.


(Pls excuse the inline links, I've not moved them to the footer yet.)


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