[Python-ideas] More "ensure*" packages

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Thu Aug 13 22:28:09 CEST 2015

Didn't see Donald's email, so I'm replying via Alex's reply.

13.08.2015, 20:35, Donald Stufft kirjoitti:
> So I guess my question is, instead of continuing down a path where we
> add more ensure* style modules to the standard library, why not do
> something similar and have “Python the Language” and “The Python
> Platform”, and the platform would be the Python language + N
> “important” or “popular” packages. This could release on a quicker
> release schedule than Python itself (since it would really be more
> like a meta package than anything that itself got developed) and would
> give the ability to ship things like this without the problems that
> we’ve had with ensurepip. From a downstream perspective they would
> just package all of this stuff as normal and it would just be
> available as normal. We could even publish a metapackage on PyPI that
> had no code of it’s own, but existed simply to list all of the
> platform packages as dependencies (with ==) and then people could
> easily depend on the Python “platform” in their own code.
 > This would essentially involve someone(s) needing to be the gatekeeper
 > of which libraries become part of the Python platform, some small
 > packaging shims to handle the metapackage on PyPI, and then the
 > installer stuff for OSX and Windows (probably nothing for other OSs?
 > Or maybe a tarball? I don’t know).

So basically we could add a requirements.txt into the core CPython repo 
and installers could trigger it (with user permission) on install? We 
could call it "python-platform.txt", and even add an 
"ensurepythonplatform" module to run the install (all names are only 

I'd still like to bundle wheels with the latest available versions at 
build so that non-networked installs can get the packages, if not 
necessarily the latest. This seems like a better long term approach than 

I feel like moving tkinter&co onto PyPI is the more controversial 
suggestion :)


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