[Python-ideas] Make non-meaningful backslashes illegal in string literals

random832 at fastmail.us random832 at fastmail.us
Sat Aug 8 07:31:07 CEST 2015

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015, at 23:45, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > I challenge you to find *one* use in the wild. Just one.
> I'll take that challenge. Here are SEVEN uses for \v in the real world

I should have better defined what I meant by "use". It has to be

A) The actual \v escape, actually used, in a string literal in source
code. I was asking for real-world uses of _the escape_. I'd guess about
half of the ones you named actually are embodied in source code in a
C-derived language somewhere - but probably not in Python.
B) For the actual vertical tab function, rather than some other purpose
the byte is being repurposed for. For other functions, the \v spelling
obfuscates rather than illuminating.
C) Code merely used for parsing string literal formats that themselves
define \v, naturally, don't count. Mentioned for completeness, since
otherwise these would technically satisfy the other two while
accomplishing nothing useful.

The vertical tab function is clearly defined as moving the cursor down
(or the paper up) one or more lines to a predetermined position - e.g. a
multiple of six lines, just as a tab conventionally takes you to the
next multiple of eight columns, or a position that has been programmed
into the device by use of other control mechanisms:

Notation: (C0)
Representation: 00/11
VT causes the active presentation position to be moved in the
component to the corresponding character position on the line at which
following line tabulation stop is set.

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