[Python-ideas] Idea: Named code blocks / inline module declarations

John Yeuk Hon Wong gokoproject at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 08:12:33 CEST 2014

On 9/17/14 1:19 AM, Tennessee Leeuwenburg wrote:
> I would use this if I had a group of related functions which were not 
> written in an object-oriented-style, possibly due to not needing any 
> shared state. Rather than break these out into a new file, I would 
> like to just be able to use internal structure to declare the 
> relationship.
Yeah, standalone function CAN be easier to test provided that you did 
everything possible to
make the function testable.
> It could also provide a more seamless way to decide to break out into 
> a new file. Once a named block got big enough, I could easily create a 
> new file and import those functions into the same namespace.
So this is how I read your idea:

1. Import the necessary names from other modules if needed
2. Organize them local to the module
3. Use them by attribute loop-up as indicated by your example

The idea sounds pretty cool, but first time I ask myself as a Python user
is whether I find signing.xxx more appealing than writing xxxx directly.

As an import mechanism, the regular import seems good enough to me.
Personally, based on your examples, I should have a module named sigin.
Because in advance I know I will have a bunch of functions that are 
related. These functions will be used when the user is signed in. So I will
tell myself don't wait just do it now, put them into a module. When I
use the module, I just

      import signin

and in my code I just


It is also my preference to import the module rather than importing 
functions into the namespace; I want to be able to know the origin of the
function as I write my code.

Now, can handle_new_user be used outside of the signin context?
I really doubt it. If handle_new_user is meant to run after the user
is signed in, then that function will only live in 1 block. No resuse.

As a macro, I think that the equivalent is probably grouping
within a function (although that is not what most people think of
macros do, but er, "close enough").

Just my two cents.


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