[Python-ideas] Store shared/locked state inside of the lock object

Oleg Broytman phd at phdru.name
Sat Nov 8 14:38:56 CET 2014


On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 02:05:07PM +0100, Masklinn <masklinn at masklinn.net> wrote:
> ... a proxy to the internal state only valid for the current lock
> span. However I do not know if it's possible to create completely
> transparent proxies in Python.

   I think it's possible -- in a C extension. See
http://www.egenix.com/products/python/mxBase/mxProxy/ for an example.

   (I don't have any opinion on the proposal.)

     Oleg Broytman            http://phdru.name/            phd at phdru.name
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

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