[Python-ideas] Browser for mailing lists

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Mar 31 20:52:11 CEST 2014

On Mar 31, 2014, at 08:27 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>I understand that, but is it actually required for simple feedback as
>a mere Web user?

No, but your feedback won't necessarily reach the developers who can do
something about it.

>I also use claws-mail with Gmane NNTP, and I like it.  However, it's not
>really adequate for casual browsing of mailing-lists you don't usually read,
>or for browsing of private mailing-lists with protected archives, or for
>giving out hyperlinks to individual mailing-list messages.

I like it for casual browsing, but general use the web ui for searching.  It
is a little tricky to then refer back to the NNTP interface for (IMO) more
easily catching up on a thread, or responding.

>pipermail's dead simple threaded view is, ironically, the best UI I've
>ever seen for *browsing* mailing-lists (Google Groups are a disaster in
>that regard, and Hyperkitty seems to be heading in the same direction
>as Google Groups). I would really hate to have to deal with
>Hyperkitty's current UI on a daily basis.

I think Pipermail's ui has problems, not the least of which is the arbitrary
splitting of threads across months, f.e.

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