[Python-ideas] for-loop-if like list comps have?

Christopher Welborn cjwelborn at live.com
Sun Mar 30 17:20:45 CEST 2014

On 03/30/2014 05:44 AM, Liam Marsh wrote:
> hello,
> is it possible to accept this syntax?
> it is about the same subject, but an other proposition...
> so, here it is:
>  >>>for x in xs , y in ys:
> ... � �***instructions***
> thank you!

I think you meant to send this to the list, instead of my personal 
email. I use thunderbird and news.gmane.org to send things to 
python-ideas, but I think you can just send a mail to: 
Python-ideas at python.org
with 'Re: <the original subject line>' such as:
Re: [Python-ideas] for-loop-if like list comps have?

-- Christopher Welborn (cj)
    cjwelborn at live.com

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