[Python-ideas] PEP feedback loop (with tracker account)

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Tue Mar 25 21:27:12 CET 2014

From PEP 1:

What is a PEP?

PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is a design document
providing information to the Python community, or describing a new feature for
Python or its processes or environment. The PEP should provide a concise
technical specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature.

We intend PEPs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing major new features,
for collecting community input on an issue, and for documenting the design
decisions that have gone into Python. The PEP author is responsible for
building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

Because the PEPs are maintained as text files in a versioned repository, their
revision history is the historical record of the feature proposal [1].

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