[Python-ideas] Python Numbers as Human Concept Decimal System

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 12:46:27 CET 2014

On 11 March 2014 20:51, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 March 2014 07:24, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:02:31 +1000
>> Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> My take is that we're down to two main options:
>>> Stefan: use the existing decimal type, change default context to Decimal64,
>>> round all decimal literals to current context
>>> Oscar: new fixed width decimal64 builtin type, always uses Decimal64
>>> context (allowing constant folding), interoperates with variable context
>>> decimal.Decimal values (producing a decimal.Decimal result)
>>> I lean towards Oscar's proposal, as it removes the hidden context dependent
>>> behaviour and makes the builtin decimals true constant values.
>> Yuck. Is this some kind of joke? We've gone through the trouble of
>> unifying long and int in Python 3 and now people are proposing two
>> different Decimal types, one with fixed precision and one with
>> arbitrary precision?
>> I'm completely -1 on this.
> I understand your objection Antoine. There is a big difference though
> between integer and non-integer types in this respect though. For
> integers is is not hard to define a single integer type that satisfies
> the vast majority of use-cases (focusing purely on semantics rather
> than detailed implementation aspects and performance). The only
> contentious issue is how to handle inexact division. int and long were
> not really "unified" in Python 3. The long type *replaced* the int
> type as it has those universal integer semantics that are really
> wanted.
> When it comes to non-integer types there's just no single good way of
> doing it. So just in the stdlib we already have float, Fraction and
> Decimal. The additional libraries that I use have many more numeric
> types than that. The idea here is that for most users decimal128 just
> is *the* decimal type. The decimal.Decimal type is IMO overly complex
> and should really be for niche use-cases like other non-stdlib
> multi-precision numeric types.

Right. I believe the appropriate comparison here should be with
builtin floats (which are essentially 64 bit C doubles, with all the
limitations that implies), rather than with the historical int/long

The reason I see Oscar's proposal as arguably different from the
int/long case is that we *wouldn't* be trying to pretend that builtin
decimals are the same type as the existing variable context decimals.
While they would implicitly interoperate under addition, etc (as
numbers generally do, with variable precision decimals being treated
as the resulting type for mixed arithmetic), there would be no way to
implicitly turn two fixed precision decimals into variable precision

That is, don't think "int vs long", think "float16 vs float32 vs
float64 vs float128", with Oscar's proposal being that picking just
one decimal floating point precision as *the* floating point
precision, just as Python already does for binary floating point,
makes more sense than trying to provide variable precision support in
a builtin type.

That approach buys us a couple of key benefits:

- they would be true constants, so constant folding, etc, would work
normally, and you could tell from reading the code exactly what it
will do, without needing to worry about the impact of thread local
- you could generally use the builtin decimal literals without
learning anything about decimal contexts, because decimal literals
wouldn't be context dependent (although their behaviour would be
formally defined in terms of an IEEE decimal context, for most users
it would just be "this is how Python decimal literals behave")

The guidance to new users would then be *don't* use the decimal
module, use decimal literals instead. If you need more configurable
behaviour, *then* reach for the decimal module. However, the explicit
methods on decimal context objects should probably still be updated to
accept both fixed and variable precision decimals under this model.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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