[Python-ideas] A python bridge between versions

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 18:34:34 CET 2014

On 1 March 2014 03:09, ian o <ian.team.python at gmail.com> wrote:
>> And we don't actually mind all that much if applications don't migrate
>> in the near term - Python 2 will have commercial support available
>> well past 2020. (The developers of *those applications* might mind,
>> though, just as anyone maintaining Python 2.4 compatibility for the
>> benefit of RHEL/CentOS 5 typically isn't happy about it)
> Your response is most dissapointing, and I would hope does not represent the
> community overall.
> We have 3 teams working server systems currently with python as the
> implementation model.  All work is currently in python 2.x and with a
> solution to this the work could immediately move to 3.x.
> However, you state that our situation, and that of the other 60% of python
> programmers as at end January 2014 who are constrained from using python 3
> by python 2 dependencies:  "we don't mind about those developers"

Hi Ian,

In the past I've sometimes seen Nick being slightly careless with his
words with the result that someone misunderstands him and gets upset.
That's not what's happening here though. I'm not sure if you're
wilfully misunderstanding him or just unable to see this from his
perspective. Nick clearly did not say that he (or anyone else) doesn't
care about any particular group of *developers*.

What he meant is that if you as an application author have decided
that sticking with Python 2 is the right thing to do right now then he
won't try to argue with you. If your application is currently working
and has a dependency on web2py and it's not worth your time/money to
port web2py yourselves then sticking with Python 2 may be the right
decision for you.

OTOH if you were the author of web2py and said "I don't want to port
web2py to Python 3" Nick would mind. He would want to know why you
didn't want to port to Python 3 and whether or not there was something
(reasonable) that the core Python devs could do to help. This is
because if a library is not ported then that has a knock-on effect on
application authors (such as you) who would like to port an existing
application or write a new application for Python 3.


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