[Python-ideas] RFC: bytestring as a str representation [was: a new bytestring type?]

Mark Janssen dreamingforward at gmail.com
Wed Jan 8 00:20:45 CET 2014

>>> The trouble (for me) comes in when I try to use single bytes,
>>> either when creating or extracting.
>> Hmm... aren't you exagerating the trouble? It's not very difficult to
>> work with single bytes in Python 3...
> No, I'm not.  I don't think of b'C' as the integer 67 any more than I think
> of the number 256 as the bytes b'\x01\xFF'.

There's something fundamentally wrong with these brainfarts coming out
on the list.  Just how, Ethan, did you think you could represent
binary data in a text string, whether preceded by the char 'b' or not?
 What did you think you would do when you got to character 0, the
first (pseudo)-symbol in ASCII?

Why don't you jackasses start listening instead of wanking each other
with bullshit?


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