[Python-ideas] strings as iterables - from str.startswith taking any iterator instead of just tuple

spir denis.spir at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 17:31:22 CET 2014

On 01/03/2014 04:54 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Masklinn writes:
>   > I’ve used some sort of ad-hoc version of it enough that I think it’s
>   > a good idea, although I’d suggest “scalar”: “atomic” also
>   > exists (with very different semantics) in concurrency contexts, whereas
>   > I believe scalar always means single-value (non-compound) data type.
> Sure, but if you're a Unicode geek "scalar" essentially means
> "character", so a string ain't that!

Unfortunately in unicode slang "character" does not mean character ;-) (but, 
say, whatever a code point happens to represent)

> Seriously, all the good words have been taken two or three times
> already in some other field.  Pick one and don't worry about the
> overloading -- learning to spell English is *much* harder.

Thankfully no one needs spelling english corectly to program --except for 


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