[Python-ideas] stdlib process GSoC 2014 ideas

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Feb 28 09:09:58 CET 2014

Nick Coghlan writes:

 > Moderators: please don't let such posts out of the moderation
 > queue, they're a complete waste of everyone's time.

+1  They're 50% FUD, and 50% just plain wrong.  More to the point,
they're 100% off-topic once they go beyond "I won't sign the CA so my
code is not useful to further the purposes of python-ideas."

(I'm happy to discuss both Anatoly's statements and my own --
philosophical BS is a hobby of mine -- but *not on this list*.
Reply-to set to <stephen at xemacs.org>, please observe.)

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