[Python-ideas] stdlib process GSoC 2014 ideas

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 21:32:31 CET 2014


I am looking at empty ideas page at:
and I'd like to propose idea for GSoC students.


This needs to be extended and integrated into stdlib development process.
The idea is to get a focused development gathered around modules. This
includes creating a pydotorg pages (Django) that will list feeds of activity
per module, including:

Iteration one:
 - bugs
 - patches
 - discussions
 - votes
 - commits
 - hiscore based on all the above
   (shamelessly stolen from https://twistedmatrix.com/highscores/)

Iteration two:
 - sprints info (short term activities and coordination in real-time)
   - past
   - planned
   - current
 - bug research and development (long term with visualization and reports)
   - subscribe to the research team
   - publish research materials
   - get scores and achievements

This is just for the start.
anatoly t.

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