[Python-ideas] Infix functions

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Mon Feb 24 15:52:28 CET 2014

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> But my company provides me with a Windows PC ro use at work, and the
> games I like to play are Windows-only. So for work and play, Windows
> is my environment, for better or worse. Maybe Windows 8 is so bad that
> the climate will shift. Maybe macs will stop costing more than my
> house at some point.

This is where virtualization wins big. And possibly Wine as well.
Maybe both at once - on your Windows machine, create a VM running
Linux, and run your Windows program under Wine in that VM... okay,
maybe that's just a leeedle bit stupid. But it does have its benefits
(like ease of isolating registry changes - I've never seen *any*
pure-Windows solution that's as easy as "create a new WINEPREFIX", and
doubt I ever will). However...

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull
<stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:
> Andrew's comment is *precisely* true: Python loves Unicode, and
> Notepad handles UTF-8 fine.  I would imagine any real source editor on
> Windows does too.

... Notepad has enough flaws (like its handling of newlines and its
pesky BOM header) that I wouldn't recommend it for anything, no matter
how good its Unicode in other areas. Yes, it managed to save and load
a non-BMP string in such a way that Python managed to retrieve it
(although I couldn't find a font that would display it correctly, but
that's not a Notepad problem), but unless you're really careful to
make your files Notepad-friendly, I wouldn't recommend its use. There
are, however, other good editors; SciTE (and presumably other
Scintilla-derivatives, like Notepad++) works fine, and doesn't have
Notepad's other flaws. So, I'd agree more with the second half of
that: any real source editor will be fine, on Windows or any other


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