[Python-ideas] Infix functions

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Sat Feb 22 02:45:30 CET 2014

Am 2014-02-21 23:05, schrieb Andrew Barnert:
> While we're discussing crazy ideas inspired by a combination of a long-abandoned PEP and Haskell idioms (see the implicit lambda thread), here's another: arbitrary infix operators:
>      a `foo` b == foo(a, b)

If you really want to you could do this:

	class infix(object):
		__slots__ = '__call__',
		def __init__(self,func):
			self.__call__ = func
		def __ror__(self,arg1):
			return infix2(self.__call__, arg1)
	class infix2(object):
		__slots__ = 'func', 'arg1'
		def __init__(self,func,arg1):
			self.func = func
			self.arg1 = arg1
		def __call__(*args,**kwargs):
			self, args = args[0], args[1:]
			return self.func(self.arg1,*args,**kwargs)
		def __or__(self,arg2):
			return self.func(self.arg1,arg2)
	def foo(a,b):
		return a + b
	print "egg" |foo| "spam"

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