[Python-ideas] except expression

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 20 00:54:43 CET 2014

From: Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com>

Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 5:31 AM

> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 12:00 AM, אלעזר <elazarg at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  A bit OT:
>>  I think there should be a mention in the PEP of other languages with
>>  exception-handling expressions, like SML's
>>      - (hd []) handle Empty => 1;
>>      val it = 1 : int
> I'm not familiar with SML. Want to write up a paragraph that I can
> insert directly into the PEP?

Actually, any purely-functional languages where a function body is always an expression obviously have to do exception handling as an expression. So, a survey may be helpful here.

It's hard to map other languages to Python because most of them either allow statements inside expressions and take the value of the last statement (which must be an expression statement) as the value, or don't really have statements at all. Also, the different function-calling syntaxes can be very confusing. I'll try my best. Wikipedia has a page on exception handling syntax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exception_handling_syntax) that gives more details of tons of languages, and I'll try to link each one to a relevant docs or tutorial page.


Ruby (http://www.skorks.com/2009/09/ruby-exceptions-and-exception-handling/) "begin…rescue…rescue…else…ensure…end" is an expression (potentially with statements inside it). It has the equivalent of an "as" clause, and the equivalent of bare except. And it uses no punctuation or keyword between the bare except/exception class/exception class with as clause and the value. (And yes, it's ambiguous unless you understand Ruby's statement/expression rules.)

    x = begin computation() rescue MyException => e default(e) end;
    x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() end;
    x = begin computation() rescue default() end;
    x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() rescue OtherException other() end;

In terms of this PEP:

    x = computation() except MyException as e default(e)
    x = computation() except MyException default(e)
    x = computation() except default(e)
    x = computation() except MyException default() except OtherException other()


Erlang (http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/expressions.html#id79284) has a try expression that looks like this:

    x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e) end;
    x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e); OtherException:e -> other(e) end;

The class and "as" name are mandatory, but you can use "_" for either. There's also an optional "when" guard on each, and a "throw" clause that you can catch, which I won't get into. To handle multiple exceptions, you just separate the clauses with semicolons, which I guess would map to commas in Python. So:

    x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e)
    x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e), OtherException as e->other_default(e)

Erlang also has a "catch" expression, which, despite using the same keyword, is completely different, and you don't want to know about it.


The ML family has two different ways of dealing with this, "handle" and "try"; the difference between the two is that "try" pattern-matches the exception, which gives you the effect of multiple except clauses and as clauses. In either form, the handler clause is punctuated by "=>" in some dialects, "->" in others.

To avoid confusion, I'll write the function calls in Python style.

Here's SML (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/introsml/core/exceptions.htm)'s "handle":

    let x = computation() handle MyException => default();;

Here's OCaml (http://www2.lib.uchicago.edu/keith/ocaml-class/exceptions.html)'s "try":

    let x = try computation() with MyException explanation -> default(explanation);;

    let x = try computation() with 

        MyException(e) -> default(e) 
      | MyOtherException() -> other_default()
      | (e) -> fallback(e);;

In terms of this PEP, these would be something like:

    x = computation() except MyException => default()
    x = try computation() except MyException e -> default()
    x = (try computation()
         except MyException as e -> default(e) 
         except MyOtherException -> other_default()
         except BaseException as e -> fallback(e))

Many ML-inspired but not-directly-related languages from academia mix things up, usually using more keywords and fewer symbols. So, the Oz (http://mozart.github.io/mozart-v1/doc-1.4.0/tutorial/node5.html) would map to Python as:

    x = try computation() catch MyException as e then default(e)


Many Lisp-derived languages, like Clojure (http://clojure.org/special_forms#Special%20Forms--(try%20expr*%20catch-clause*%20finally-clause?)), implement try/catch as special forms (if you don't know what that means, think function-like macros), so you write, effectively:

    try(computation(), catch(MyException, explanation, default(explanation)))

        catch(MyException, explanation, default(explanation)),
        catch(MyOtherException, explanation, other_default(explanation)))

In Common Lisp, this is done with a slightly clunkier "handler-case" macro (http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/m_hand_1.htm), but the basic idea is the same.


The Lisp style is, surprisingly, used by some languages that don't have macros, like Lua, where xpcall (http://www.gammon.com.au/scripts/doc.php?lua=xpcall) takes functions. Writing lambdas Python-style instead of Lua-style:

    x = xpcall(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e))

This actually returns (true, expression()) or (false, default(e)), but I think we can ignore that part.


Haskell is actually similar to Lua here (except that it's all done with monads, of course):

    x = do catch(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e))

You can write a pattern matching expression within the function to decide what to do with it; catching and re-raising exceptions you don't want is cheap enough to be idiomatic.

But Haskell infixing makes this nicer:

    x = do expression() `catch` lambda: default()
    x = do expression() `catch` lambda e: default(e)

And that makes the parallel between the lambda colon and the except colon in the proposal much more obvious:

    x = expression() except Exception: default()
    x = expression() except Exception as e: default(e)


Tcl (http://wiki.tcl.tk/902) has the other half of Lua's xpcall; catch is a function which returns true if an exception was caught, false otherwise, and you get the value out in other ways. And it's all built around the the implicit quote-and-exec that everything in Tcl is based on, making it even harder to describe in Python terms than Lisp macros, but something like:

    if {[ catch("computation()") "explanation"]} { default(explanation) }


Smalltalk (http://smalltalk.gnu.org/wiki/exceptions) is also somewhat hard to map to Python. The basic version would be:

    x := computation() on:MyException do:default()

… but that's basically Smalltalk's passing-arguments-with-colons syntax, not its exception-handling syntax. 

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