[Python-ideas] except expression

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 14:01:34 CET 2014

On 19 February 2014 12:46, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> But in Python, the ternary if operator has the condition listed in the
> middle:
>     true-statement if cond else false-condition
>     ..................^^^^ evaluate this first
> This truly is an odd duck. It works, at least for English speakers, but
> it is very different from most ternary operators, which evaluate the
> left-most operand first, not the middle one. So if we were to make the
> except operator follow the lead of if, it would look something like this:
>     exception except expr <whatever> default
>     .................^^^^ evaluate this first
> which is awful. So I reject your premise that we ought to make the
> except ternary operator look like the if ternary operator.

I think this is pretty much a tangent by now, but your interpretation
here isn't the only way of looking at things. Consider the following
alternative way of looking at it


Here, TRUE-EXPR is the "expected" result, qualified by the possibility
that if COND isn't true then FALSE-EXPR is the result. Looking at the
if expression in that way, the parallel with the exception expression
is much clearer:


Here, EXPR is the "expected" result, but if you get EXCEPTION when
evaluating it then use FALLBACK instead. (Feel free to replace
"return" with colon or your favourite syntax alternative).

I can't think what you mean by "most ternary operators" unless you're
referring to ternary operators in languages other than Python, so I
won't comment on that part of what you say.

That may not be how *you* think of the if expression, but it's how I
think of it (more accurately, it's how I learned to think of it as
part of understanding why Guido chose that option).


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