[Python-ideas] docs.python.org: Short URLs

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Feb 18 00:35:14 CET 2014

On 2/17/2014 8:12 AM, Markus Unterwaditzer wrote:

> The author talks about the inaccessibility of Python's documentation via Google
> compared to PHP's. One can easily verify that by themselves: Just enter the
> name of any builtin into the search engine at docs.python.org, such as str,

There is an issue on the tracker about the uselessness of the search 
box. I and others sugggested that it first see if the search term is in 
the index and return the indexed pages in the manual before doing 
whatever it does not. Those pages are nearly always what one wants, not 
what Google decides. I happen to use the index directly, but many do 
not. I don't know why that has not been done. If you want, find the 
issue and add your comments, or, if you can, a patch.

Terry Jan Reedy

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