[Python-ideas] except expression

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Sun Feb 16 05:04:03 CET 2014

Title: Exception-catching expressions
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com>
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Content-Type: text/x-rst
Created: 15-Feb-2014
Python-Version: 3.5
Post-History: 16-Feb-2014


Just as PEP 308 introduced a means of value-based conditions in an
expression, this system allows exception-based conditions to be used as part
of an expression.


A number of functions and methods have parameters which will cause them to
return a specified value instead of raising an exception.  The current system
is ad-hoc and inconsistent, and requires that each function be individually
written to have this functionality; not all support this.

* dict.get(key, default) - second positional argument in place of KeyError

* next(iter, default) - second positional argument in place of StopIteration

* list.pop() - no way to return a default

(TODO: Get more examples. I know there are some but I can't think of any now.)


The current system requires that a function author predict the need for a
default, and implement support for it. If this is not done, a full try/except
block is needed.

Note that the specific syntax is open to three metric tons of bike-shedding.

The proposal may well be rejected, but even then is not useless; it can be
maintained as a collection of failed syntaxes for expression exceptions.


Just as the 'or' operator and the three part 'if-else' expression give short
circuiting methods of catching a falsy value and replacing it, this syntax
gives a short-circuiting method of catching an exception and replacing it.

This currently works::
    lst = [1, 2, None, 3]
    value = lst[2] or "No value"

The proposal adds this::
    lst = [1, 2]
    value = lst[2] except IndexError: "No value"

The exception object can be captured just as in a normal try/except block::
    # Return the next yielded or returned value from a generator
    value = next(it) except StopIteration as e: e.args[0]

This is effectively equivalent to::
        _ = next(it)
    except StopIteration as e:
        _ = e.args[0]
    value = _

This ternary operator would be between lambda and if/else in precedence.


Multiple 'except' keywords can be used, and they will all catch exceptions
raised in the original expression (only)::
    value = (expr
        except Exception1 [as e]: default1
        except Exception2 [as e]: default2
        # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN

This is not the same as either parenthesized form::
    value = (("Yield: "+next(it) except StopIteration as e: "End: "+e.args[0])
except TypeError: "Error: Non-string returned or raised")
    value = (next(it) except StopIteration as e:
       (e.args[0] except IndexError: None))

The first form will catch an exception raised in either the original
expression or in the default expression; the second form will catch ONLY one
raised by the default expression. All three effects have their uses.

Alternative Proposals

Discussion on python-ideas brought up the following syntax suggestions::
    value = expr except default if Exception [as e]
    value = expr except default for Exception [as e]
    value = expr except default from Exception [as e]
    value = expr except Exception [as e] return default
    value = expr except (Exception [as e]: default)
    value = expr except Exception [as e] try default
    value = expr except Exception [as e] continue with default
    value = default except Exception [as e] else expr
    value = try expr except Exception [as e]: default
    value = expr except Exception [as e] pass default

In all cases, default is an expression which will not be evaluated unless
an exception is raised; if 'as' is used, this expression may refer to the
exception object.

It has also been suggested that a new keyword be created, rather than reusing
an existing one. Such proposals fall into the same structure as the last
form, but with a different keyword in place of 'pass'. Suggestions include
'then', 'when', and 'use'.

Open Issues

finally clause

Should the except expression be able to have a finally clause? No form of the
proposal so far has included finally.

Commas between multiple except clauses
Where there are multiple except clauses, should they be separated by commas?
It may be easier for the parser, that way::
    value = (expr
        except Exception1 [as e]: default1,
        except Exception2 [as e]: default2,
        # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN,
with an optional comma after the last, as per tuple rules. Downside: Omitting
the comma would be syntactically valid, and would have almost identical
semantics, but would nest the entire preceding expression in its exception
catching rig - a matching exception raised in the default clause would be
caught by the subsequent except clause. As this difference is so subtle, it
runs the risk of being a major bug magnet.


This document has been placed in the public domain.

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