[Python-ideas] a in x or in y

Amber Yust amber.yust at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 00:26:02 CET 2014

The issue I see with "X in any(Y, Z)" is that it's unclear to the reader
how it differs from "X in (Y,Z)".

On Thu Feb 13 2014 at 3:23:41 PM, Carl Meyer <carl at oddbird.net> wrote:

> On 02/13/2014 04:04 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
> [snip]
> > A syntax along the lines of
> >
> >    X in either Y or Z
> >
> > would avoid the problem. But we don't have a good
> > candidate for 'either' that's already a keyword.
> This makes me think of
>     X in any(Y, Z)
> which is equally concise, and I think clearer and more readable (for
> garden-path reasons) than
>     X in Y or in Z
> It's also technically not ambiguous, since currently any() only takes
> one argument, and "X in any(Y)" is useless. Still a confusing overload
> of the meaning of any().
> Implementation would be a bit ugly; it would need to return an object
> that implements every operator magic method, and "distributes" the
> operation across the objects passed to it. Equivalent could be done for
> all().
> Or different names could be chosen to avoid the overloads, though I'm
> not sure what those names would be.
> Probably there be dragons, but it might be fun to experiment with (and
> doesn't require changes to the language, only new/modified builtins, or
> even just library additions).
> Carl
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