[Python-ideas] Make it optional

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue Feb 11 08:20:55 CET 2014

Am 11.02.2014 05:35, schrieb anatoly techtonik:
> Flexibility of something is the fact that you are not forced
> to use it in some unnatural way. I'd say that most PEPs
> related to core Python are flexible, but I am not sure about
> the rest.
> PEPs are made to resolve ambiguities. But it doesn't mean
> limiting flexibility and setting hard limitation. What is hard
> limitation standard? For example, marking version you can
> not parse as pre-release. PIP actually does this, which
> prevents all packages with versions that are not comply with
> "versioning PEP" from installing.
> "pre-release" is a feature. Inflexible, tempting to guess,
> getting in a way, implicit and confusing. I just filled three or
> four bugs about it. How come that it appeared at all? Well,
> because it is useful. In some cases. But the problem is that
> it affects you even if you don't need it.
> "Make it optional" is a very good principle for those cases
> when you can not predict how users are going to use your
> feature and if they need it at all.

I have no idea what you are talking about.  Care to give some context?


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