[Python-ideas] Inline Functions - idea

Alex Rodrigues lemiant at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 5 20:48:52 CET 2014

I'm not under any illusions about how hard it is to actually get something added to standard python . But I thought this would be a fun and informative undertaking that possibly even helps people. Thank you for your kind words. After some consideration I have come up with another use case that demonstrates a little more of how this might be useful:Let's say that I am a weather forecaster and I maintain a large library of different simulation techniques. All the techniques need to get their initial data from some database. Let's take a look at some way of writing this code and their advantages/disadvantages:Hard code the startup code into each simulation - This works, but it will lead to lots of code re-use and all the problems that come with that (i.e. if I later need to change how the startup values are downloaded, now I have to change every single function)Use a closure - This isn't really an option, both because there are multiple functions and because closure cannot create variables in their containing scopeReturn the values from a function - This will add lots of unnecessary typing at the top of each function to list out all of the variables and if I wish to add a new input to one simulation (maybe UV just became important) I must now modify all of the functions to have that value passed in.Classes - This is probably the best option currently available. Make a simulation class that has a initialize function and have each simulation inherit from it. This also has some drawbacks though, since I must now instantiate a copy of the object to find the output of the simulation, which makes calling the function harder (especially on a one time basis).Use an inline def - This is very modular and maintainable with an absolute minimum of boilerplate. The main downside being that it is not explicit what is available in the namespace once you initialize the simulation.Here's how it might look:
inline def start_simulation():    date = datetime.utcnow()    date.replace(tzinfo=utc)    start_data = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.source.com/seed_sims').read().split()    num_clouds = int(start_data[0])    temp = float(start_data[1])    grid = []    for a in range(int(start_data[2])):        grid.append([])        for b in range(int(start_data[3])):            grid[a].append(0)            def sim_basic():    start_simulation()    return temp    def sim_iterative():    start_simulation()    for row in grid:        for cell in row:            cell = temp+random.random()    for i in range(10):        for row in grid             for cell in row:                cell += random.random()-0.5    return average([cell for row in grid for cell in row])    def sim_clouds():    start_simulation()    return temp - numclouds/10.

> Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 08:57:35 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Python-ideas] Inline Functions - idea
> From: ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com
> To: lemiant at hotmail.com
> CC: python-ideas at python.org
> On Feb 5, 2014 7:34 AM, "Alex Rodrigues" <lemiant at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > This is my first time on the Python mailing lists.
> Welcome!
> > I've been learning a lot about how python is run recently and today I thought I ran across an idea which might create in interesting discussion.
> > Today I was writing a piece of software where I had a block of code that would take a bunch of local variables, apply some transformations to them and then output them as a a string to a log. Then I realized that I actually wanted to reuse this code in multiple locations - there were multiple cases where I might need to do this. My natural inclination was to write a function in order to maintain DRY programming. This was prohibitively challenging, however, since the code itself interacted with lots of variables in the namespace. The number of arguments to the function would have to be very large and possibly would change on a fairly regular basis.
> > This seems like a fairly common problem in programming, having a piece of code which is both reused and heavily integrated with the namespace making it necessary to use copy-paste. As a solution to this I propose the idea of an inline function. An inline function would run in it's parent's namespace instead of creating a new one.
> This sounds like one aspect of Ruby's blocks.  Nick Coghlan (one of
> the more active Python committers) wrote up a nice block post that
> describes them:
> http://www.curiousefficiency.org/posts/2011/10/correcting-ignorance-learning-bit-about.html
> > What do you think?
> You've described an interesting idea.  I think Paul is right that it's
> a bit of a code smell that the function is so complex as to make
> "inlining" desirable.  Yet, it seems like there is a practical idea
> hiding in there.  Keep at the core idea and see if anything more
> focused, including a better use case, pops out.
> To be honest the end result will likely be no changes to Python (see
> this list's archives and the list of deferred/rejected PEPs).
> However, you and others will probably learn a thing or two in the
> process.  Unlike some traffic on this list, your idea and the
> discussion of it are well within the realm of not wasting people's
> time.
> -eric
> [1] Though not exactly applicable to your "inline" functions, aother
> Ruby blocks-like idea is statement local namespaces.  See PEPs 403 and
> 3150 (at http://www.python.org/dev/peps/).
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