[Python-ideas] Preserving **kwargs order

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 4 07:42:41 CEST 2014

From: Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>

Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014 8:03 PM

> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Andrew Barnert <abarnert at yahoo.com> wrote:


> So you are saying that it is not uncommon to use "perfect passthrough"
> decorators/wrappers you do not control.

Yes. Just my first example, partial, is ridiculously common, and it's a wrapper I don't control. Half the servers, GUIs, and other callback-based programs I've worked on need partial functions, and get them either by using partial, or by using lambda functions instead—which has an equivalent and parallel problem that, come to think of it, still requires a solution too…

However, what we _don't_ know is how common it would be to use such wrappers with functions that need ordered kwargs. The prototypical case of using partial on GUI or server callbacks obviously doesn't apply there—in a Tkinter GUI, your callback functions almost never take kwargs, and, if they did, it would probably be just to pass the dict as a widget configure dict or something like that, which couldn't possibly care about the order. But really, _no_ example that works today could apply; it's not possible to write functions that care about their keyword order, so we can only try to guess whether the potential use cases for them could involve wrapping them or not.

> Regardless, the workarounds are the same.  Likewise they add the same
> complication.  Perhaps it does favor the decorator syntax over the
> __kworder__ local variable.

I'm not sure it favors either. Either way, every function that returns a forwarding wrapper will need to be changed to apply the workaround. The workaround itself may be easier, or at least prettier, with the decorator, but the hard part isn't the workaround itself (as I showed, it could just be a simple on-line change), but figuring out which wrappers need it, and possibly copying and forking them into your own code, so you can apply the workaround to each one.


> Looking into the implications on inspect.signature, et al. is on my
> to-do list. :)

After a little more thought, what's really needed is a consistent way to represent ordered-kwargs parameters in *documentation*.

Once you have that, whatever it is, inspect.signature should be simple. For example, if you use kind=VAR_ORDERED_KEYWORD, then it's just a matter of making Parameter.__str__ return whatever-it-is that the docs would have instead of returning the normal **{name}.

This does give a little more weight to proposals that do something visible in the signature itself—the ***okwargs, or an annotation, or whatever. But I think all of them have enough down-sides compared to your more favored versions that it wouldn't be nearly enough weight to shift things.


> It only matters for the ones you are applying to your functions that
> need to preserve keyword order.  I agree that any fix that you can't
> easily apply to a function you do not "own" isn't very helpful.

Yes, that last part is basically my main point.

>>> 1. Add a '__order__' attribute to dict that defaults to None, 
> and always set it for kwargs (to a frozen list/tuple).
>>  A dict with an __order__ attrib is just a less-useful but 
> nearly-as-heavy-weight equivalent to an OrderedDict. What about the cost of 
> always using an OrderedDict makes it unacceptable? How much better is this?
> Guido's concern was that in some uncommon cases the difference in
> performance (both memory and speed) would render OrderedDict
> undesirable for  **kwargs.  By storing the initial order on a dict
> attribute the only overhead would be 1 pointer per dict plus the size
> of the container.

First, after reading the messages you linked, I don't think your characterizing Guido's concerns fairly.

His first message is not about uncommon cases at all, it's about the fact that every function call (at least every one that uses kwargs) will slow down noticeably: "My main concern is speed -- since most code doesn't need it and function calls are already slow (and obviously very common :-) it would be a shame if this slowed down function calls that don't need it noticeably." It's hard to predict how much of a slowdown a nice C OrderedDict would cause here, and how much less of a slowdown just creating and using __order__ would cause. But from a quick simulation in pure Python, it looks like you're just turning a 2.7x slowdown into a 2.2x slowdown—better, but still clearly noticeable, and therefore not acceptable.

This means you need some way to make sure functions that don't ask for ordered kwargs don't get it (unless you can actually make it not noticeably slower). I think all of your solutions (including storing __kworder__) will be noticeably slower; there's just no way around the fact that maintaining a dict and its order and iterating it in custom order takes longer than maintaining a dict and iterating it in natural order. Trying to disguise the ordering info, or make it not quite as slow, or make it opt-out instead of opt-in, etc., doesn't solve this problem. Only finding a way to do nothing at all when nobody wants it solves this problem. At which point you might as well do the simplest thing—use OrderedDict—for cases where people _do_ want it.

And that comes back to my original point: Where does someone want order? When they explicitly ask for it, but also when wrapping a function that asks for it in a generic wrapper. And that's the hard part; inside the wrapper (in some library code), you don't know to ask for it; outside the wrapper (in your app), there's no way to do it.

Meanwhile, the "uncommon" cases (which you elsewhere call "rare", "extreme", and "edge cases") are a different story. I don't think Guido thinks they're very uncommon. He says, "I write code regularly that…" saves kwargs for later, and possibly even piles other stuff into it. His primary issue here is that having anything other than a plain dict is wrong and confusing. Secondarily, he also mentions "possible" performance problems. Here is where the memory comes in. Increasing the memory of every kwargs dict by 25% instead of 75% is nice, but I don't think it solves the memory problem, and I don't think the memory problem is the main issue anyway.

This seems to rule out any solution that gives you a modified kwargs dict when you don't ask for it, whether it's an OrderedDict or a dict with an __order__ attribute or anything else. I now understand why you proposed the separate __kworder__ magic parameter solution. But really, given the first problem, any solution that adds _any_ noticeable overhead when you don't ask for it is already ruled out, so trying to put the extra overhead somewhere other than the dict itself doesn't help. You need to actually not create it.

Anyway, after a little more back-burner thought, I actually did think of some magic that might work. But I don't think you, or anyone else, will like it. I certainly don't. At compile time, any code object that has a call to something accessed via a closure cell gets a calls-local flag. (This should catch all decorators and other wrapper-generators, but many false positives as well.) At runtime, when building a function from a code object with the calls-local flag, if any of the __closure__ members are functions with the order-kwargs flag, the new function also gets the flag as well. (This eliminates most of the false positives, without eliminating any actual wrappers unless they're designed pathologically. And if they are pathological, well, then they lose kwargs ordering.) That's all only a couple lines of code in the compiler and interpreter. Tada? Not sure; the idea is too horrible and non-Pythonic to think through all the way. Ultimately, this
 design would mean that all local functions get ordered kwargs, but there's an optimization that usually eliminates the order when you don't need it… which is just wrong.

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