[Python-ideas] `OrderedDict.sort`

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Tue Sep 24 16:17:25 CEST 2013

On 09/24/2013 05:27 AM, Ram Rachum wrote:
> I think that your mistake is defining OrderedDict as a dict sorting by insertion order. I see no reason to define it
> that way [...]

How would you like it sorted?

   - ascending?  you can write an algorithm for that

   - descending?  you can write an algorithm for that

   - cyclic?  you can write an algorithm for that

   - insertion order?  you can *not* write an algorithm for that

Insertion order is the one that you either remember, or is lost.

As for a practical example, think of classes that want to know which order their attributes were created in -- 
OrderedDict to the rescue!  :)


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