[Python-ideas] Another "little" combination, permutation, iterator, yield from, example.

Ron Adam ron3200 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 19:58:46 CEST 2013

On 10/16/2013 08:13 PM, Andrew Barnert wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2013, at 23:21, Ron Adam<ron3200 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> >A little digression...
>> >
>> >I've been thinking that pythons byte code could be a little higher level and still be efficient.  So I wrote a little interpreter (in python) to test some ideas.
> Please post this on a separate thread. It's a potentially very cool idea, and it's in danger of being lost buried under yet another combinatorially-slow implementation of multiset/sequence permutations.

Potentially is the key word here.  It's in very very early stages.

I will put the files in the tracker once I get it cleaned up a bit more. 
(in a few days.)  And will post a link to it in a new thread and a summary.

The part I've been working on is just to design a simple mid/lower level 
language and test the basic design.  It's about 10 times slower than python 
right now, becuase python is used to simulate the evaluation loop and call 
stack.  It's pretty much just a toy at this stage, but an interesting one.

Ultimately I'd like to have it run on Gambit-C, which is very fast, but 
hides all the low-level memory and resouces mangagement things undernieth 
it and will compile the programs to C code.  So I think it will give many 
new options.

The down side is it will require learning some scheme programming.  The 
test language I'm toying with can make that part much easier I hope.


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