[Python-ideas] where statement in Pyret

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Mon Nov 11 11:39:31 CET 2013

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 09:58:06AM +0100, Tarek Ziadé wrote:

> Interesting... what if we could mark a block of tests like this :
> def sum(iterable):
>    # implementation of sum
> asserts:
>    assert sum([]) == 0
>    assert sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6   
>    ...
>    ..more complicated testing here...

I often spell that:

if __debug__:
    assert sum([]) == 0
    # more complicated testing here

I've been playing around with doctest, and I think it may be useful to 
have a "check" decorator that you use like this:

def spam():
    """Return spam.

    >>> spam()
    'spam spam spam'

    return ' '.join(['spam']*3)

If the doctests pass, the function is returned unchanged, otherwise an 
exception is raised. Note that this will encourage a specific style of 
more limited tests focused on just one function at a time. Normally, 
doctests aren't run until after the entire module is loaded, which lets 
you do things like this:

def spam():
    """Return spam.

    >>> spam()
    'spam spam spam'

    Like ham, but more tasty:

    >>> taste(spam()) > taste(ham())

    return ' '.join(['spam']*3)

# definitions of taste and ham follow later in the module.

That *won't work* with a check decorator, since at the time the 
decorator runs, the functions taste and ham don't exist. The same would 
apply to a "where" clause (or whatever name it is given).

This forces the doc tests to be more tightly focused on the function in 
isolation, which would be both good and bad. The good is that it would 
discourage overloading the docstring with too many too complex tests. 
The bad is that it would limit what can be tested this way, and the 
errors would no doubt be confusing to beginners. "What do you mean 
NameError? taste is defined right there..."

On balance, I think that such a check() decorator would be useful enough 
that it's worth my time writing it. (Perhaps not useful enough to 
include in doctest, but I'll certainly stick it in my own personal 
toolbox.) But I don't think it would be useful enough to make it syntax.


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