[Python-ideas] New str whitespace cleaning method?

Andrew Barnert abarnert at yahoo.com
Fri May 24 21:07:27 CEST 2013

How is one import statement "arbitrary lengths of boilerplate"?

How is putting the batteries into the stdlib instead of the language not pythonic?

Sent from a random iPhone

On May 24, 2013, at 11:03, "Joao S. O. Bueno" <jsbueno at python.org.br> wrote:

> Come on - this is Python, and we are talking about entering a string in code -
> One doe snto want to do a "from myutils.stringutils import dedenter"
> just to be able
> to use long strings in code. - in other languages it might be normal to
> go to arbtirary leenghts of boiler plate code to do trivial stuff.
> But ..seeing the attention here, I guess I am indeed one of the 2 programmers
> in the World who needs long strings with no white-space from indentation
> in code and consider it should be part of the syntax, not a
> possibility on the stdlib,
> so..whatever.  :-/
> On 24 May 2013 14:52, Wolfgang Maier
> <wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
>> Wolfgang Maier <wolfgang.maier at ...> writes:
>>> Joao S. O. Bueno <jsbueno <at> ...> writes:
>>>> What about an STR method for just formatting whitespace?
>>>> I propose starting with something that would just replace all occurrences of
>>>> white-space sequences with a single white-space, and another mode that
>>>> does the same, but preserves newlines.
>>>> That way multiline strings could be used in a straight way to enter
>>>> any desired construct.
>>>> I know of textwrap.dedent - but it is not quite the same behavior, and
>>> this is a
>>>> case wher having method call postfixed to the string has clear advantages
>>>> over a function call with the same string - since the function name
>>>> would have to be placed between the "strign destiantion" - which
>>>> denotes its purpose, and the string text itself:
>>>> Ex.:
>>>> log.warn(dedent("""Hello dear sir,
>>>>                              I am sorry to inform you
>>>>                              the spanish inquisition
>>>>                              has arrived"""))
>>>> Against:
>>>> log.warn("""Hello dear sir,
>>>>                  I am sorry to inform you
>>>>                  the spanish inquisition
>>>>                  has arrived""".lint())
>>> Haven't really thought that through, but couldn't you write a decorator that
>>> does the dedenting, and that you then use on your warn()?
>>> This way, you wouldn't have to care about the formatting at all in your
>>> actual code.
>>> Best,
>>> Wolfgang
>> ok, here's example code for it:
>> from textwrap import dedent
>> class dedentify(object):
>>    def __init__ (self, f):
>>        self.f = f
>>    def __call__ (self, message):
>>        self.f(dedent(message))
>> @dedentify
>> def warn (message):
>>        print (message)
>> warn("""\
>>            Hello dear sir,
>>            I am sorry to inform you
>>            the spanish inquisition
>>            has arrived""")
>> now prints:
>> Hello dear sir,
>> I am sorry to inform you
>> the spanish inquisition
>> has arrived
>> I hope this is what you had in mind ?
>> Wolfgang
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