[Python-ideas] PEP 426, YAML in the stdlib and implementation discovery

Calvin Spealman ironfroggy at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 13:26:40 CEST 2013

At this point I would argue against any new modules by default. How does
the cost and liability of yaml in the standard library make up for such a
ring benefit as excluding one little line from my requirements.txt?
On May 31, 2013 12:46 PM, "Philipp A." <flying-sheep at web.de> wrote:

> Hi, reading PEP 426<http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/#switching-to-a-json-compatible-format>,
> I made a connection to a (IMHO) longstanding issue: YAML not being in the
> stdlib.
> I’m no big fan of JSON, because it’s so strict and comparatively verbose
> compared with YAML. I just think YAML is more pythonic, and a better choice
> for any kind of human-written data format.
> So i devised 3 ideas:
>    1. *YAML in the stdlib*
>    The stdlib shouldn’t get more C code; that’s what I’ve gathered.
>    So let’s put a pure-python implementation of YAML into the stdlib.
>    Let’s also strictly define the API and make it secure-by-naming™. What
>    i mean is let’s use the safe load function that doesn’t instantiate
>    user-defined classes (in PyYAML called “safe_load”) as default load
>    function “load”, and call the unsafe one by a longer, explicit name (e.g.
>    “unsafe_load” or “extended_load” or something)
>    Let’s base the parser on generators, since generators are cool, easy
>    to debug, and allow us to emit and test the token stream (other than e.g.
>    the HTML parser we have)
>    2. *Implementation discovery*
>    People want fast parsing. That’s incompatible with a pure python
>    implementation.
>    So let’s define (or use, if there is one I’m not aware of) a discovery
>    mechanism that allows implementations of certain APIs to register
>    themselves as such.
>    Let “import yaml” use this mechanism to import a compatible 3rd party
>    implementation in preference to the stdlib one
>    Let’s define a property of the implementation that tells the user
>    which implementation he’s using, and a way to select a specific
>    implementation (Although that’s probably easily done by just not doing
>    “import yaml”, but “import std_yaml” or “import pyyaml2”)
>    3. Allow YAML to be used besides JSON as metadata like in PEP 426. (so
>    including either pymeta.yaml or pymeta.json makes a valid package)
>    I don’t propose that we exclusively use YAML, but only because I think
>    that PEP 426 shouldn’t be hindered from being implemented ASAP by waiting
>    for a new std-library to be ready.
> What do you think?
> Is there a reason for not including a YAML lib that i didn’t cover?
> Is there a reason JSON is used other than YAML not being in the stdlib?
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