[Python-ideas] Macro-Powered Enums

Haoyi Li haoyi.sg at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 02:56:11 CEST 2013

Hey All,

I know this ship has already sailed with PEP 435, but I've been working on
a prototype implementation of enums using MacroPy

The goal was to have enums whose methods provide most of the nice
capabilities of int enums (auto-generated indexes, fast comparison,
incrementing, index-arithmetic, find-by-index) and string enums (nice
__repr__, find-by-name) but has the ability to smoothly scale to
full-fledged objects with methods *and* fields, all this is an extremely
concise way.

The gimmick here is that it uses macros to provide a concise syntax to
allow you to construct each enum instance with whatever constructor
parameters you wish, java-enum-style
This allows a degree of enums-as-objects which i haven't seen in any other
library (most don't allow custom fields).

Probably not standard-library worthy, but I thought it was pretty cool.

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