[Python-ideas] Idea for new multi-line triple quote literal

nbv4 nbvfour at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 02:32:07 CEST 2013

The tripple quote string literal is a great feature, but there is one 
problem. When you use them, it forces you to break out of you're current 
indentation which maks code look ugly. I propose a new way to define a 
triple back quote that woks the same way regular triple quotes work, but 
instead does some simple parsing of the data within the quotes to preserve 
the flow of the code. Due to the brittle and sometimes ambigious nature of 
anything 'automatic', this feature is obviously not meant for data where 
exact white space is needed. It would be great for docstrings, exception 
messages and other type text.

Here is a short example of it's usage:
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