[Python-ideas] constant/enum type in stdlib

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Wed Jan 30 02:27:30 CET 2013

On Jan 28, 2013, at 11:50 PM, Joao S. O. Bueno wrote:

>And it was not dismissed at all - to the contrary the last e-mail in the
>thread is a message from the BDLF for it to **be** ! The discussion happened
>in a bad moment as Python was mostly freature froozen for 3.2 - and it did
>not show up again for Python 3.3;

I still offer up my own enum implementation, which I've used and has been
available for years on PyPI, and hasn't had a new release in months because it
hasn't needed one. :)  It should be compatible with Pythons from 2.6 to 3.3.


The one hang up about it the last time this came up was that my enum items are
not ints and Guido though they should be.  I actually tried at one point to
make that so, but had some troublesome test failures that I didn't have time
or motivation to fix, mostly because I don't particularly like those
semantics.  I don't remember the details.

However, if someone *else* wanted to submit a branch/patch to have enum items
inherit from ints, and that was all it took to have these adopted into the
stdlib, I would be happy to take a look.

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