[Python-ideas] Interrupting threads

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Jan 29 19:07:48 CET 2013

On 1/29/2013 11:41 AM, Terry Reedy wrote:
> On 1/29/2013 4:54 AM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:

>> Ditto here. Now it's not unusual to have to learn new vocabulary, but
>> "heed" is obscure and makes an API difficult to understand for me.
> As a native American English speaker, 'heed' is not obscure.

As I believe you have often said, we need some benchmark numbers. 
According to Google's Ngram, 'heed' is still about 5 times more common 
in American books than 'annoy' and 'sympathize', which you use in your 
next sentence.

>> Of course, I sympathize with native English speakers who are annoyed
>> by the prevalence of Globish over real English.


Talking about obscure words, I have not seen 'Globish' before and I had 
to search to discover that it was not your idiosyncratic coinage. I was 
really surprised to find that there is even a Wikipedia entry.


Terry Jan Reedy

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