[Python-ideas] csv.DictReader could handle headers more intelligently.

Mark Hackett mark.hackett at metoffice.gov.uk
Mon Jan 28 13:21:19 CET 2013

On Friday 25 Jan 2013, rurpy at yahoo.com wrote:
> The csv DictReader *uses* a dictionary for its output. That
> it does so imposes no requirements on how it should parse or
> otherwise handle the input that eventually goes into that
> dict.

And that doesn't mean that writing


results in dict[A] being a list containing 1 and 9.

A program using a dictionary entry has to know whether the input has duplicate 
headers because in the case where only the first line is done, writing out the 
value of dict[A] gives you "1". Writing out dict[A] if it's a list gives you 
"[1,9]" which must be parsed differently.

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