[Python-ideas] csv.DictReader could handle headers more intelligently.

Shane Green shane at umbrellacode.com
Sat Jan 26 15:39:11 CET 2013

Okay, I like your point about DictReader having a place with a subset of CSV tables, and agree that, given that definition, it should throw an exception when its fed something that doesn't conform to this definition.  I like that.

One thing, though, the new version would let you access column data by name as well: 

Instead of
	row["timestamp"] == 1359210019.299478

It would be
	row["timestamp"] == [1359210019.299478]

And potentially 
	row["timestamp"] == [1359210019.299478,1359210019.299478]

It could also be accessed as: 
	row.headers[0] == "timestamp"
	row.headers[1] == "timestamp"
	row.values[0] == 1359210019.299478
	row.values[1] == 1359210019.299478

Could still provide: 
	for name,value in records.iterfirstitems(): # get the first value for each column with a given name.
	 	- or - 
	for name,value in records.iterlasttitems(): # get the last value for each column with a given name.

And the exact functionality you have now: 
	records.itervaluemaps() # or something… just a map(dict(records.iterlastitesm()))
Overkill, but really simple things to add… 

The only thing this really adds to the "convenience" of the current DictReader for well-behaved tables, is the ability to access values sequentially or by name; other than that, the only difference would be iterating on a generator method's output instead of the instance itself.  

Shane Green 
408-692-4666 | shane at umbrellacode.com

On Jan 26, 2013, at 5:53 AM, "Stephen J. Turnbull" <stephen at xemacs.org> wrote:

> Shane Green writes:
>> And while it's true that a dictionary is a dictionary and it works
>> the way it works, the real point that drives home is that it's an
>> inappropriate mechanism for dealing ordered rows of sequential
>> values.
> Right!  So use csv.reader, or csv.DictReader with an explicit
> fieldnames argument.
> The point of csv.DictReader with default fieldnames is to take a
> "well-behaved" table and turn it into a sequence of "poor-man's"
> objects.
>> The final point is a simple one: while that CSV file format was
>> stupid, it was perfectly legal.  Something that deals with CSV
>> content should not be losing any of its content.
> That's a reasonable requirement.
>> It also should [not] be barfing or throwing exceptions, by the way.
> That's not.  As long as the module provides classes capable of
> handling any CSV format (it does), it may also provide convenience
> classes for special purposes with restricted formats.  Those classes
> may throw exceptions on input that doesn't satisfy the restrictions.
>> And what about fixing it by replacing implementing a class that
>> does it correctly, [...]?
> Doesn't help users who want automatically detected access-by-name.
> They must have unique field names.  (I don't have a use case.  I
> assume the implementer of csv.DictReader did.<wink/>)

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