[Python-ideas] Tulip / PEP 3156 - subprocess events

Shane Green shane at umbrellacode.com
Sat Jan 19 07:20:29 CET 2013

Just like there's no reason for having a protocol without a transport, it seems like there's no reason for a transport without a connection, and that separating the two might further normalize differences between client and server channels

Shane Green 
805-452-9666 | shane at umbrellacode.com

On Jan 18, 2013, at 8:16 PM, Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> wrote:

> Antoine Pitrou wrote:
>> Except that you probably want the protocol to outlive the transport if
>> you want to deal with reconnections or connection failures, and
>> therefore:
>>    TCPClient(HTTPProtocol(), ("some.where.net", 80))
> I don't see how to generalise that to more complicated
> protocol stacks, though.
> For dealing with re-connections, it seems like both the
> protocol *and* the transport need to outlive the connection
> failure, and the transport needs a reconnect() method that
> is called by a protocol that can deal with that situation.
> Reconnection can then propagate along the whole chain.
> -- 
> Greg
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