[Python-ideas] Adding '**' recursive search to glob.glob

Yuval Greenfield ubershmekel at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 06:15:20 CET 2013

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:03 AM, Bruce Leban <bruce at leapyear.org> wrote:

> [...] and iglob to ignore case and [....]
OT - iglob is the iterator version of glob. perhaps in python 2 this should
have been called "xglob". In python 3 it should have been just "glob".

>>> rglob('**.py')


>>> glob('**.py', True)

I don't mind either, though I think the first one is a bit clearer because
"r" is more telling than "True". Don't mention glob('**.py',
allow_recursive=True) because that's probably not going to be the norm.

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