[Python-ideas] Adding '**' recursive search to glob.glob

Serhiy Storchaka storchaka at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 17:21:40 CET 2013

On 14.01.13 17:46, Vinay Sajip wrote:
> Isn't the requirement to recurse implied by the presence of '**' in the
> pattern? What's to be gained by specifying it using allow_recursive as well?

I'll be glad to make it enabled by default, however I'm feeling this is 
too dangerous. glob('**') on FS root takes too long time. Perhaps that's 
why (and for backward compatibility) this option (called "starglob") is 
disabled by default in Bash.

> Will having allow_recursive=True have any effect if '**' is not in the
> pattern? If you specify a pattern with '**' and allow_recursive=False, does
> that mean that '**' effectively acts as '*' would (i.e. one directory level
> only)?

Yes, as now.

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