[Python-ideas] Windows assistance for PEP 432 (CPython startup sequence)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 15:55:53 CET 2013

I've started work on the PEP 432 implementation at

As part of that work, I'm also cleaning up some of the crazier things
in the source tree layout, like "pythonrun" being this gigantic
monolith covering interpreter initialisation, code execution and
interpreter shutdown all in one file, as well as the source files for
the application binaries being mixed in with the source files for
standard library builtin and extension modules.

This means I know I'm breaking the Windows builds. Rather than leaving
that until the end, I'm looking for someone that's willing to take the
changes from the "pep432_modular_bootstrap" in my sandbox repo, check
what is needed to get them building on Windows, and then send me pull
requests on BitBucket to fix them.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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