[Python-ideas] Tulip / PEP 3156 event loop implementation question: CPU vs. I/O starvation

Markus nepenthesdev at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 14:01:40 CET 2013


On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 12:41 AM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> def hogger():
>     tulip.get_event_loop().call_soon(hogger)
> Because call_soon() appends the handler to the _ready queue, the while
> loop will never finish.

Adding a poll-able descriptor to the the loop will eval it in the next
iteration of the loop, so why make a difference with timers?
Define call_soon to be called in the next iteration - not in the same.

Basically every modification of the event loop should be evaluated in
the next iteration, not the same.


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