[Python-ideas] Documenting Python warts on Stack Overflow

Chris Angelico rosuav at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 05:35:39 CET 2013

On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Steven D'Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> wrote:
> On 02/01/13 10:46, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> PHP's scoping rules are simpler than Python's. A variable inside a
>> function is local unless it's explicitly declared global; function
>> names are global. (That's not the whole set of rules, but close enough
>> for this argument.) Python, on the other hand, adds the oddity that a
>> name referenced inside a function is global unless, somewhere in that
>> function, it's assigned to.
> As given, comparing only treatment of locals and globals, I don't agree
> that this makes PHP's scoping rules simpler.
> PHP:
>   if the name refers to a function:
>     - the name is always global;

Not quite. Python has the concept of "names" which might be bound to
function objects, or might be bound to simple integers. PHP has two
completely separate namespaces.

function foo()
        echo "Function foo\n";
$foo = 1;
echo "foo: ".$foo."\n";

The variable $foo and the function foo() don't collide, so this isn't
a rule that governs where the name "foo" is looked up. Python has no
such distinction, so code like this does exactly what you would

def foo():
bar = foo
def quux():
  bar() # No assignment in the function, so look for a global name 'bar'.

> PHP is simpler because it does less.

Right. And the rules of a Turing tarpit like Ook are even simpler.
Further proof that design warts are not, in and of themselves,
necessarily bad.


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