[Python-ideas] Batching/grouping function for itertools

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sun Dec 8 16:21:35 CET 2013

Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > What other varieties are there? Surely none that are common. Once, for a 
 > lark, I tried to come up with one that was fully general -- as well as a 
 > window size, you could specify how far to advance the window each step. 
 > The sliding variety would advance by 1 each step, the discrete variety 
 > would advance by the window size. But I never found any reason to use it 
 > with any other step sizes. Surely anything else is more useful in theory 
 > than in practice.

Deseasonalization of serially correlated data where the seasonality is
lower-frequency than the series, and more generally data-mining
techniques that start with relatively coarse steps and refine as they
go along are two that come immediately to mind.

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