[Python-ideas] Contributions to official documentation versus contributions to wiki (was: Frequently Rejected Ideas Was: Deprecating rarely used str methods)

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Mon Aug 12 10:31:10 CEST 2013

Le Mon, 12 Aug 2013 09:19:21 +1000,
Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> a
écrit :
> > The rights explicitly specified in the CA actually constitute
> > *restrictions* on the PSF compared to the rights granted by the
> > licenses themselves.
> The contributor agreement grants to PSF the unilateral power to
> redistribute the contribution under “any other open source license
> approved by [the PSF]”, a power not granted to other recipients of the
> contribution. So yes, it arrogates special rights to the PSF.
> Does this make the PSF awful? No, of course not. But I can't pretend
> it is acceptable to grant special terms to one party in the community.

Ben, I respect your distrust of the CLA's terms (or of CLAs in
general), but does that mean you wouldn't contribute the python-daemon
implementation under a CLA? AFAICT it has no chance of landing in the
official source tree if you aren't willing to sign a CLA for it.

> Not true, at least in my experience. I have been asked to submit a
> contributor agreement for small patches to the documentation. Since I
> cannot in good conscience accept the PSF's requirements, they reject
> such contributions even under an acceptable all-parties-equal license.

I suppose that depends on whoever reviews your patch :-)



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