[Python-ideas] Automatic context managers

MRAB python at mrabarnett.plus.com
Fri Apr 26 19:20:09 CEST 2013

On 26/04/2013 17:52, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:54 AM, MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
>> On 26/04/2013 14:02, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>>> This circular reference problem is interesting. In object space it
>>> probably looks like a stellar detached from the visible (attached)
>>> universe. Is the main problem in detecting it?
>> The problem is in knowing in which order the objects should be
>> collected.
>> For example, if A refers to B and B refers to A, should you collect A
>> then B, or B then A? If you collect A first, then, for a time, B will
>> be referring to a non-existent object. That's not good if the objects
>> have destructors which need to be run.
> Spin-off thread from python-ideas to discuss a more general question
> of garbage collection of cyclic structures.
> Once it's been proven that there's an unreferenced cycle, why not
> simply dispose of one of the objects, and replace all references to it
> (probably only one - preferably pick an object with the fewest
> references) with a special temporary object? In fact, that could
> probably be done in CPython by wiping out the object in memory and
> replacing it with a special marker of some sort, which would then
> automatically "take over" all references to the old object. Any
> attempt to manipulate this object could simply pop back with a
> DestructedObject exception or something.
I wonder whether it would be best to call the __del__ method of the
newest object (if it's possible to determine which is the newest) in
such a case, then replace _that_ object with the DestructedObject (the
"special marker" would be just a special "destructed" object).

> Is this a plausible (never mind viable yet, just conceptually
> plausible) alternative to sticking them into gc.garbage and ignoring
> them? It'd allow a double-linked list/tree to function cleanly -
> imagine, for instance, something like the DOM facilities available to
> web browser scripts:
> class DOMObject:
> 	def __init__(self,parent):
> 		self.parent=parent
> 		self.firstchild=self.sibling=None
> 		if not parent: return
> 		if not parent.firstchild:
> 			parent.firstchild=self
> 		else:
> 			child=parent.firstchild
> 			while child.sibling:
> 				child=child.sibling
> 			child.sibling=self
> 	def __del__(self):
> 		print("Disposing of id #%d"%id(self))
> document=DOMObject(None)
> body=DOMObject(document)
> p=DOMObject(body)
> p=DOMObject(body)
> p=DOMObject(body)
> del document,body,p
> gc.collect()
> The __del__ method would need to clean up the external resources used
> by this object, but wouldn't have to walk the tree. Yet, just because
> there is a reference loop and there are __del__ methods, the garbage
> collector gives up and leaves it to the program author to deal with.
> I can understand if this is considered too complicated and too unusual
> a circumstance to be worth bothering to support, but I'm curious as to
> whether it's at least conceptually reasonable to do something like
> this.
It does sound like an interesting idea.

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