[Python-ideas] Propagating StopIteration value

Oscar Benjamin oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 00:43:15 CEST 2012

On 7 October 2012 21:19, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Serhiy Storchaka <storchaka at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 07.10.12 04:45, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>>> But yes, this was all considered and accepted when PEP 380 was debated
>>> (endlessly :-), and I see no reason to change anything about this.
>> The reason is that when someone uses StopIteration.value for some purposes,
>> he will lose this value if the iterator will be wrapped into itertools.chain
>> (quite often used technique) or into other standard iterator wrapper.
> If this is just about iterator.chain() I may see some value in it (but
> TBH the discussion so far mostly confuses -- please spend some more
> time coming up with good examples that show actually useful use cases
> rather than f() and g() or foo() and bar())
>  OTOH yield from is not primarily for iterators -- it is for
> coroutines. I suspect most of the itertools functionality just doesn't
> work with coroutines.

I think what Serhiy is saying is that although pep 380 mainly
discusses generator functions it has effectively changed the
definition of what it means to be an iterator for all iterators:
previously an iterator was just something that yielded values but now
it also returns a value. Since the meaning of an iterator has changed,
functions that work with iterators need to be updated.

Before pep 380 filter(lambda x: True, obj) returned an object that was
the same kind of iterator as obj (it would yield the same values). Now
the "kind of iterator" that obj is depends not only on the values that
it yields but also on the value that it returns. Since filter does not
pass on the same return value, filter(lambda x: True, obj) is no
longer the same kind of iterator as obj. The same considerations apply
to many other functions such as map, itertools.groupby,

Cases like itertools.chain and zip are trickier since they each act on
multiple underlying iterables. Probably chain should return a tuple of
the return values from each of its iterables.

This feature was new in Python 3.3 which was released a week ago so it
is not widely used but it has uses that are not anything to do with
coroutines. As an example of how you could use it, consider parsing a
file that can contains #include statements. When the #include
statement is encountered we need to insert the contents of the
included file. This is easy to do with a recursive generator. The
example uses the return value of the generator to keep track of which
line is being parsed in relation to the flattened output file:

def parse(filename, output_lineno=0):
    with open(filename) as fin:
        for input_lineno, line in enumerate(fin):
            if line.startswith('#include '):
                subfilename = line.split()[1]
                output_lineno = yield from parse(subfilename, output_lineno)
                    yield parse_line(line)
                except ParseLineError:
                    raise ParseError(filename, input_lineno, output_lineno)
                output_lineno += 1
    return output_lineno

When writing code like the above that depends on being able to get the
value returned from an iterator, it is no longer possible to freely
mix utilities like filter, map, zip, itertools.chain with the
iterators returned by parse() as they no longer act as transparent
wrappers over the underlying iterators (by not propagating the value
attached to StopIteration).

Hopefully, I've understood Serhiy and the docs correctly (I don't have
access to Python 3.3 right now to test any of this).


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