[Python-ideas] Supporting already opened sockets in our socket-based server classes

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Wed Jun 6 17:23:15 CEST 2012

On 6/6/12 2:28 PM, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> Le 06/06/2012 09:56, Tarek Ziadé a écrit :
>> What I am proposing is the following syntax:
>> if the host passed to the class is of the form:
>>      fd://12
>> The class will try to create a socket object against the file descriptor
>> 12, and will not bind() it neither accept() it.
> Passing a pseudo-URL where a host name is expected sounds like a bad idea.

Well, unix sockets are using this convention to point paths to unix sockets.

e.g.  unix:///some/path

in general, theURI scheme seems widely used out there,


What do you propose ? another option ?

> Also, I don't understand the "neither accept() it" part. Surely you 
> need to accept() incoming connections, so perhaps you mean "neither 
> listen() it"?
Yeah that was a typo -- I do listen() before I fork

> (also, I'm not sure calling listen() another time is a problem)

I don't think so, but the usual pattern I have seen is to call listen() 
before the forking

> Regards
> Antoine.
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