[Python-ideas] Where has packaging gone?

Michele Lacchia michelelacchia at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 21:58:34 CEST 2012

> Thoughts attached.

Yeah that one is great! :) And true.

No, the distutils2 project continues and is still being actively 
> developed. (distutils2 *is* packaging - the name on PyPI is just 
> different from the name that will be used when it is added to the 
> standard library). Bento is a project that aims to tackle part of 
> distutils that distutils2 hasn't really looked at yet: creating a more 
> flexible build system (or, more accurately, making it easier to hook 
> into *existing* build systems rather than defining yet another one).

Ok. Now the distinction is clear. Good to hear disutils2 is still actively 

Those PEPs are *already* standards and are actively supported by 
> external projects today. 

I just found the wheel project:

It tries to implement those standards by patching distribute and pip. I run 
demo and I think the resulting package format is just amazing. In a 
nutshell is
a binary format (extensions get compiled) which in my opinion is really 
I hope it will become standard and will be integrated in the major software 
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